University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Biodiversity

Final project

The Master's Final Thesis (TFM) corresponds to a research paper that will be submitted electronically and will be defended in person before a panel made up of three Master's professors. Once the committee have been established, the specific day and time of the defense will be published. Both the delivery of the written work and the presentation and oral defense thereof will take place in mid-September (to be announced in due course).

Before starting the TFM, you must deliver the corresponding TFM registration document to the coordinator Enric Batllori Presas in order to formalize the training project. The TFM can be carried out at public research centres, universities, private companies, in the public administration or in the ERASMUS mode (see below), although all work must have the general structure of a thesis research

It is expected that, like all research work, the TFM develops around research objectives and working hypotheses. All work carried out outside the UB requires an internal tutor who can be any member of the master's teaching staff.


In the Campus Virtual you will find the updated list of TFM offers, all the information relating to the regulations and guidelines for the preparation of the TFM, as well as various resources and information that you can use for its development.


TFM or stays abroad during the master's degree

We inform you that the UB has a wide range of agreements with different countries where it is possible to carry out the TFM or extracurricular practices during the master's degree. To learn about the possibilities of funding through mobility programs and the details of the calls, contact the ORI International Relations Office of the Faculty of Biology:

You will find all the information on the Erasmus Program for Master's students on the ORI website.
