University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Biological Anthropology

Final project

The Master Thesis (Trabajo Fin de Master TFM) of 20 ECTS is the design and carrying out of a work within the main research lines of the master’s teaching staff or in external collaborating institutions. The experimental work (from 6 to 9 months) ends with the submission of a written report and its oral defense before a jury.

The main research lines are: Forensic and Physical Anthropology, Human Evolution, Primatology, Biodemography, Citogenetics, Genetics of Complex Diseases, Epidemiology and Human Population Genetics.

The attached documents contain (in Spanish version) a complete description and guidelines of the TFM together with several annexes cited in the main document.


Final Project Rubric for Directors 

Final Project Rubric for Tribunal 

Final Project regulations 

Final Project competencies

Student survey  

Evidence of quality TFM 
