University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Environmental Agrobiology


Assessment system

Evaluation is independently done for each subject focusing not only in knowledge acquired by the student, but also specially in know-hows learned and applied by the students in projects developed during training sessions. This way, the progressive acquisition of tools that allow professionalization of the student is emphasized. 


The evaluation system of each subject is detailed in its teaching plan. In general, subjects are evaluated according to training activities in the form of:

  • Written tests (synthesis tests in the form of short questions, topics, multiple answers, comments from scientific articles).
  • Oral tests (subject exhibition, articles).
  • Internship Reports – Written papers performed by students.
  • Active participation in different activities. 

Students can complete the Master's Final Project in a University research group (tutor or director of the project) or in an external research center or company (company tutor and academic tutor).
The evaluation of the Master's Final Project is based on an Evaluation Commission and the tutor/s of the project. The Commission consists of 3 members selected for their affinity with the subject and from it, the tutors are excluded.
The evaluation is based on the assessment of the written report of the project carried out and its oral defense. The report must be written according to the TFM regulations of the Faculty of Biology, approved by the Academic Commission of the Faculty of Biology on 26th September 2012.
To standardize the evaluation criteria between the various Evaluation Commissions and the tutors, the evaluation is based on a system of rubrics in which different items (presentation, formal aspects, content and discussion among all) associated with the different competencies are evaluated. Each member of the Commission values all items and the final grade is the arithmetic mean of the three. The note of the Academic Committee and that of the tutors constitute respectively 80% and 20% of the final note.
For more details on the evaluation of the TFM, see Master's Final Project.
