University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Advanced Legal Studies (Former plan)

Organization and teaching methodology

The teaching methods used in the Master’s Degree in Advanced Legal Studies (MEJA) will vary according to the subject, in order to adapt and offer the best teaching in each case. The methods include the following:

  • Discussion: an activity in which students exchange opinions under the guidance of the teaching staff.
  • Lecture: the contents of the subject are presented orally by the lecturer; students do not participate actively.
  • Talk: a public presentation of a topic by an expert.
  • Directed debate: a group dynamics technique to foster oral expression and comprehension during a group conversation in which the topic can be prepared in advance, but not the way that the contributions develop.
  • Seminar: a group dynamics technique that consist in small group sessions to investigate a topic through dialogue and discussion, under the guidance of a lecturer or expert. Seminars can be organized to examine specific topics in depth, using information provided by teaching staff prior to the session. Results or personal opinions drawn from reading material can also be shared in seminar sessions.
  • Round table: a group dynamics technique in which various speakers present their ideas in turn under the same conditions, chaired by a lecturer.
  • Group work: a learning activity carried out through collaboration of the members of a group.
  • Written assignment: an activity that consists in submitting a written document.
  • Information search: this activity is organized as an active search for information by students. It enables them to gain knowledge directly and to acquire skills and attitudes related to obtaining information.
  • Preparation of projects: an active teaching method that promotes learning through carrying out a project comprised of an initial idea, design, planning, development and conclusions.
  • Case studies: a method used to study an institution or a problem in depth and in context. Processes of analysis need to be developed. This is also a simulation technique in which a decision has to be taken about a problem (for example, the case of a conflict is presented and students need to develop conflict resolution strategies to solve it).
  • Oral presentations: the student either individually or in a group presents the content of an assignment or placement to an audience of teaching staff and students.
  • Tutorials: sessions in which the lecturer gives a student individual advice on the development of an assignment or research project.