«Eco-Sensitivity Through Art and Science»

Notícia | 03-05-2012

Conferència a càrrec de Yiannis Tripanagnostopoulos,
professor del Departament de Física, 
Universitat de Patres, Grècia

9 de maig de 2012
10 h
Sala de Juntes de la Facultat de Belles Arts

«With eco art we can define the art with ecological content, which includes works of painting, sculpture, music, poetry, video, etc. and reflect the agony to preserve the life on planet earth and to improve the relation of the human being with his environment. In this lecture, the main movements of environmental or eco art are presented, from land-art with works performed on large ground surfaces as a re-design of the landscape and the aesthetic modifications in open spaces, to the last movements of ecovention and eco-art-tech, where artistic work is a result of electronic devices, computers, robotics, sustainable technologies, networks, etc. The interesting interaction of scientists and artists is analyzed, where the inspiration of artists from the theory and experiments in the scientific knowledge contributes to new theories of the scientists and in a parallel mode, the artists create new artistic works from their involvement in the experiments, discussions, etc. Finally, although science and art can react with environmental problems, these are mainly political and art prepares the social sensitivity through an aesthetic way, with the science to suggest practical solutions.»

«He is born in Piraeus, Greece (1950) and is Physicist, Professor of Solar Energy at the University of Patras, and also a painter. In the field of science, he has more than 150 scientific publications in International Journals and Conference Proceedings and performed more than 20 scientific projects. In the field of art, he has been involved in several cultural activities (painting, photography, theater and cinema) and has joined artistic groups in Patras and Athens. He is self-educated artist in painting, composing pictures with oil, pastel and acrylic, while recently he is also working with digital forms. He has exposed his work mainly by group of artists in Greece and abroad, has participated in Zervas Art International Symposiums and his work is mainly based on social, scientific and environmental issues.»

Yiannis Tripanagnostopoulos, yiantrip@physics.upatras.gr, tel.: +306 947 946 344


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