Acoustic assessment of speech in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration: Robust phonetic measures and tasks for its automatization (AcousA-FTLD) (PID2022-139004OA-I00)
Acoustic assessment of speech in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration: Robust phonetic measures and tasks for its automatization (AcousA-FTLD) (PID2022-139004OA-I00)
CORPAT - PEPLEs (Corpus digital para la preservación y el estudio del patrimonio lingüístico del español) (TED2021-130752A-I00) is a tool for the unified search of Peninsular Spanish and Canarian Regional Corpus.
ProA is a project for the development of prosody assessment materials, guidelines and development of automatic assessment tools.
Chiara is a virtual reality app for improving public speeches. I worked developing the automatic prosodic assessment.
AMPER stands for Atlas Multimedia del Espacio Románico, an international project aimed at gathering prosodic data of Romance languages. FFI2015-64859-P
I have taught a lot of things! But mainly about Phonetics and Corpus Linguistics/NLP...
Like most of us, I use scripts for my research, and I upload them when they are clear enough to be used by others. I work mostly with Praat, but I also have R analyses, some Shiny apps and Python demos
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