UBike Fleet
A project that promotes travel by bike for work-related reasons (meetings, visits, etc.). In total, it has 20 folding bicycles assigned to departments and administrative units for shared use.
European u-mob network of universities for sustainable mobility
Participation of the UB, since 2018, in the u-mob network of European universities for sustainable mobility, within the framework of a LIFE project.
Mobility Challenges ( 30 DayswithBike; Urban Mobility Challenge)
Since 2018, the UB has participated, together with other companies and universities, in challenges that are carried out as part of Sustainable Mobility Week, Bike Month and university network actions.
UB BikePoint
Project started in 2018 to promote the use of bicycles among the university community and improve the safety of those who already use them. It includes free bike checks, bike self-repair points, repair workshops and training courses to learn how to ride a bike and cycle safely, among other actions.
Vadebike secure bicycle parking spaces
Collaboration agreement with Vadecity to install secure bicycle parking of the VadebikeBCN system at the University of Barcelona campus.
Mobility profile of the University of Barcelona Survey 2018
Second UB mobility survey, carried out in 2018 by the OSSMA Environmental Unit team. The results reports will be published between 2018 and 2019, and include both the analysis of supply and the study of demand based on the survey.
Road quality at Campus Diagonal – Portal of Knowledge
Analysis of the state of the roads leading to the Diagonal Campus – Knowledge Portal by calculating a global road quality indicator. Carried out by OSSMA in 2016
Fesedit UB-UPC
Carpooling project for university trips, carried out jointly with the UPC and Easy Innova, a spinoff of the UdG. Active between the years 2015 and 2019
University Mobility Committee. Diagonal Campus
Between 2012 and 2015, Barcelona City Council, the UB and the UPC set up a space for cooperation to promote sustainable mobility, called the University Mobility Forum on the Diagonal Campus. The OSSMA will participate as a technical advisor.
Mobility profile of the University of Barcelona 2013 Survey
First UB mobility survey, carried out in 2013 by the OSSMA Environmental Unit team. The results reports were published between 2013 and 2015, and include both an analysis of supply and a study of demand based on the survey.
Diagnosis of mobility at the UB centres on the Mundet Campus
First mobility diagnosis of the UB Mundet Campus, carried out by the Environmental Unit of the OSSMA in 2011.
Diagnosis of mobility at the UB centres on the Diagonal Campus – Portal of Knowledge
First mobility diagnosis carried out at the UB. The study is based on a final project of the Environmental Sciences degree, directed and supervised by the team of the Environmental Unit of the OSSMA.
Project started in 2007 to promote the knowledge and use of bicycles among the university community, which consisted of the loan of 120 bicycles during the academic year. The project was financed by La Caixa, coordinated by the Bicicleta Club de Catalunya (BACC). From the 2009-2010 academic year onwards, own resources were allocated to keep it active, and the project came to an end in 2012.
Mobility study: Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Geography and History of the UB
Study analysing the impact of the transfer of the faculties of Philosophy and Geography and History from the Diagonal Campus to Ciutat Vella. As a result of this study, an awareness-raising campaign on sustainable mobility was carried out, both before and after the transfer, which included the first transport race at the UB, in collaboration with the PTP.