Health and Safety Committee

The Health and Safety Committee is the joint and collegiate body of participation destined to the regular and periodic consultation of the actions of the company in the matter of prevention of labour risks. This Committee shall meet at least quarterly and whenever requested by any of its representations.

The Health and Safety Committee has the following competencies and powers:

  1. Participate in the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of the UB’s risk prevention plans and programs. To this end, within the framework of the Committee, projects in the field of planning, work organization, and the introduction of new technologies, structuring and development of the protection and prevention activities referred to in article 16 of the LPRL, and the projection and development of training in preventive matters.
  2. Promote initiatives on methods and procedures for the effective prevention of risks, and propose to the UB the improvement of conditions or the correction of any deficiencies.
  3. To know directly the situation regarding the prevention of risks in the workplace, carrying out, for this purpose, the visits that it considers opportune.
  4. Know all the documents and reports required on working conditions for the performance of their duties, as well as those from the activity of the Prevention Service, if applicable.
  5. Know and analyze the damage caused to the health or physical integrity of staff, in order to assess the causes, and recommend appropriate preventive measures.
  6. Know the annual report and programming of prevention services and report on them.
  7. In order to enforce the provisions of the LPRL regarding collaboration between companies in the event of simultaneous development of activities in the same workplace, joint meetings of the health and safety committees may be agreed or, failing that, there were prevention delegates and employers of companies that do not have these committees, or other measures of coordinated action.