Dependent people

The Social Care Unit will provide help and advice to any employee of the University who, at a given time, may be faced with a problem related to the Dependency Law.

The law of dependency

Law 39/2006, of 14 December on the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for Dependent People .

The Dependency Act aims to regulate the basic conditions for promoting personal autonomy and the protection of people in a situation of dependency.

Who are the target people?

  • Who is in a situation of dependency in some of the established degrees.
  • Residents in Spanish territory.

Degrees of dependence

Three degrees of dependence are established in relation to the need for help that a person has to carry out the basic activities of daily living.

  • Grade I of moderate dependence: when the person needs help at least once a day or needs intermittent help or limited by their personal autonomy (from 25 to 49 points in the BVD).
  • Grade II severe dependency: when the person needs help two or three times a day, but does not require the permanent presence of someone to care for them, or needs extensive help for their personal autonomy (from 50 to 74 points in the BVD).
  • Grade III highly dependent: when the person needs help several times a day and, due to their total loss of mental or physical autonomy, needs the indispensable and continuous presence of another person or needs widespread help for their personal autonomy (equal to or greater than 75 points in the BVD).

The assessment will be carried out by an accredited professional at the home or center where the person resides using the Dependency Assessment Scale (BVD).

Services and benefits

Portfolio of services according to needs:

  • Dependency prevention services and promotion of personal autonomy.
  • Telecare and home help services.
  • Day center and residential care services.

Economic benefits:

  • To pay a professional or buy a service.
  • For the care of the family environment and the help of non-professional caregivers.
  • For personal assistance to dependent people.

Information and collection of applications

  • In the offices of the Primary Care Social Services in your municipality and in your basic health area.
  • Through the web pages of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Families.
  • If you are admitted to a center, contact the management or social work service of the same center.

Delivery of applications

In the registry closest to your home (Territorial Services of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Family, town halls, county councils and others) or in the social services of primary care.

Application for recognition of the situation of dependency.

More information on the Dependency Law.

Telealarm and telecare

Telealarm and telecare are home care support services offered by various coordinating centers.

Who is it for?

The service is aimed at people with a limited level of autonomy and dependency, due to their age or physical condition, with the ability to use the service correctly, who live alone or with people who cannot attend. -continuously and sufficiently. One of the centers that offers this service is the Red Cross, which has two possibilities. In the first case, it is aimed at people who, despite being in good health, have some kind of disability or physical dependence, and want to feel more secure and use the remote alarm. The second service is a bit more comprehensive and is aimed at people with significant health or addiction issues.

In addition to the alarm device, each user is assigned a volunteer who visits him regularly and attends to his needs and, above all, keeps him company. The user must inform his CAP or the Social Services of the city council (neighborhood, district) or county council .

More information about tele-alarm and tele-assistance.

Know Alzheimer’s campaign

The project Know Alzheimer is a collection of videos that have been made jointly between the Centre for Personal Autonomy Sírius and the Stada Foundation.

Alzheimer’s is an evolutionary disease. People with this disease go through different stages and in each of them, the difficulties that the person, their family and their caregivers face are different.

So the intent of these four videos is to give you some ideas and tips on how to reduce these problems by using support products and adapting your home .


In this section you will find a catalog of publications published by the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Families from the year 2000.

Further information on publications.