Tot i la millora en les dades de consum energètic, l’augment dels preus passa factura

Capçalera campanya "En som responsables!"

El consum d’energia fins al mes d’abril manté una evolució positiva: el consum d’electricitat ja és un 5,7 % inferior al de l’any 2022, i el de gas ha disminuït un 31,0 %. El consum d’aigua, que ha augmentat un 3,8 %, ha millorat significativament els darrers dos mesos.

During the first half of 2022 electricity and water consumption increases, gas consumption decreases

Header communication on consumption UB

Between January and June 2022, electricity consumption has increased by 11.96% and water consumption by 28.57%, compared to the first half of 2021. Instead, gas consumption has decreased 0.03%. When interpreting this evolution, it should be borne in mind that the covid-19 pandemic had a major impact on activity in our buildings during the first months of 2021, with less attendance at the buildings by the university community. This year, with the gradual recovery of activity, consumption is being affected upwards.