Calendari UB 2020: mes de febrer
“A la vida envolta’t de gent disposada a sumar i multiplicar i ignora els que vulguin restar i dividir”.
UB 2023 calendar
The Office of Safety, Health and Environment wants to share with the entire university community the preventive awareness project that we have designed for the year 2023 through the third UB calendar, which is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) and in the UB’s 2030 Agenda.
This year, the chosen theme has been “Organize your workplace” and the tips included allow you to optimize your work space both at home and in the office in ten simple steps.
UB 2022 calendar
The University of Barcelona – through the Office of Safety, Health and Environment – has opened a dissemination channel so that UB staff can share projects in the field of safety, health and environment with the entire university community .
The project that is being disseminated this year is the “Decal of positive mental health”, led by Dra. Maria Teresa Lluch Canut, Professor of Psychosocial and Mental Health Nursing at the Department of Public Health, Mental Health and Maternal-Child Nursing.
UB 2020 calendars
The University of Barcelona, through the Office of Safety, Health and the Environment and in collaboration with the Sports and Web Development Service, announced the first sentence competition for the UB 2020 Calendar and, after a selection and from the subsequent electronic voting, the 12 best phrases were chosen in order to inspire University workers to have a better work environment.
“A la vida envolta’t de gent disposada a sumar i multiplicar i ignora els que vulguin restar i dividir”.
“L’única cosa que no surt és allò que deixes d’intentar: intenta-ho mil vegades”
Ja tenim els guanyadors de les 12 frases per al Calendari UB 2020.
El PDI i el PAS de la Universitat de Barcelona poden participar en la votació, oberta fins al 30 d’octubre, per escollir les 12 millors frases que formaran el Calendari UB 2020.
S’amplia el termini per participar fins al 18 d’octubre.
La Universitat de Barcelona, mitjançant l’Oficina de Seguretat, Salut i Medi Ambient, Esports UB i Entorns Web, us proposa participar en el Primer concurs de frases per al Calendari UB 2020.
La Universitat de Barcelona, mitjançant l’Oficina de Seguretat Salut i Medi Ambient, Esports UB i Entorns Web, us proposa participar en el concurs per a la creació del calendari UB 2020.