Organize your workplace: May
Ergonomics Council of the UB calendar for the month of May. Position the monitor so that the top is at eye level and at arm’s length.
Do not neglect to regulate the size of the characters to make them easily visible.
UB 2025 calendar
From the Office of Safety, Health and Environment (OSSMA) we would like to share with the entire university community the awareness-raising project in preventive matters that we have designed for the year 2025 through the fifth UB calendar, which is framed within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UB’s Agenda 2030. Along with the twelve tips, we also provide you with tools, documentation and information that you can use to make your activities safer, healthier and more environmentally friendly.
The calendar ‘Get informed, take care, act. The OSSMA in a click’ includes links to additional material of interest to complement the advice and improve sustainability and well-being in the workplace.
UB 2024 calendar
The OSSMA and the Torribera Food Campus encourage you in the challenge of achieving a healthy diet and lifestyle.
We hope that this project, which has been with us for a whole year, will achieve the objective of EATING WELL.
UB 2023 calendar
The chosen theme was ‘Organise your workstation’ and the tips included allowed you to optimise your workspace both at home and in the office in ten simple steps.
UB 2022 calendar
The project that was disseminated was the ‘Decalogue of positive mental health’, led by Dr. Maria Teresa Lluch Canut, Professor of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health of the Department of Public Health, Mental Health and Maternal and Child Nursing.
UB 2020 calendars
The University of Barcelona, through the Office of Safety, Health and the Environment and in collaboration with the Sports and Web Development Service, announced the first sentence competition for the UB 2020 Calendar and, after a selection and from the subsequent electronic voting, the 12 best phrases were chosen in order to inspire University workers to have a better work environment.
Ergonomics Council of the UB calendar for the month of May. Position the monitor so that the top is at eye level and at arm’s length.
Do not neglect to regulate the size of the characters to make them easily visible.
Consell d’ergonomia del calendari UB mes d’abril. Seieu amb els braços a prop del cos i amb l’esquena recta. El cap ha d’estar recte o lleugerament inclinat cap endavant.
Consell d’ergonomia del calendari UB mes de març. Procureu que la superfície de treball i el teclat estiguin a l’altura de les mans, amb els avantbraços paral·lels a terra
Consell mes de febrer: Reguleu l’altura de la cadira per poder tenir els peus recolzats a terra i les cames en angle recte. Eviteu les posicions forçades i no estireu els braços per agafar objecte.
Calendari UB 2023. Consell de mes de gener. Penseu-hi: Heu d’organitzar l’espai de treball perquè s’adapti a vosaltres.
Decàleg de salut mental positiva.
Mes de desembre: Cuidem tant com puguem la nostra salut mental
Decàleg de salut mental positiva.
Mes de novembre, recomanació n. 10: No oblidar-nos de pintar la vida amb humor perquè tingui més color
Decàleg de salut mental positiva.
Mes de setembre, recomanació n. 9: Tenir cura de les nostres relacions interpersonals
Decàleg de salut mental positiva.
Mes de setembre, recomanació n. 8: Intentar anar resolent els problemes que ens vagin sorgint
Decàleg de salut mental positiva.
Mes d’agost, recomanació n. 7:
Buscar espais i activitats per relaxar-nos mentalment
Decàleg de salut mental positiva.
Mes de juliol, recomanació n. 6:
No tenir por de plorar i de sentir