The Social Services Unit will provide help and advice to any University employee who, at any given moment, may need some of these services.
Catalan Institute for Women
The information offices of the Catalan Institute for Women offer information and guidance on services and resources for women in any field, such as health, employment, housing, separation and pensions or gender violence. From these offices, information is provided or referred to the bodies and organisations that are responsible for it.
Legal advisory service
The Institut Català de les Dones offers women a free face-to-face legal advice service that provides advice and guidance on legal matters of interest to women, mainly on issues of separation, child custody, non-compliance with pension and visiting rights, sexual aggression and violence against women.
The legal advice service also initiates the procedures for obtaining free justice in all legal matters on which women need to obtain a defence of their rights.
Psychological care service
The Institut Català de les Dones offers a free face-to-face psychological care service to provide guidance and advice to women who need it, especially those who are experiencing situations of violence. This service is offered as a timely response and guidance to other resources, if necessary.
This service is also offered through the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia to women victims of violence who are also involved in legal proceedings.
For more information visit the following page.
SIAD Network
The information and care services network, which operates in a coordinated manner throughout the territory, is made up of the information offices of the Catalan Women’s Institute, the Municipal or County Women’s Information and Care Services (SIAD), and the Specialised Intervention Services on Gender Violence (SIE) of the Department of Employment, Social Affairs and Families,and the Services for Specialised Intervention in Gender Violence (SIE), of the Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Families, are services that offer information, care and recovery to women who find themselves in situations of gender violence and to their daughters and sons.
Hotline for women in situations of violence 900 900 120
The helpline for women in situations of violence 900 900 120 is free and confidential, and operates every day of the year, 24 hours a day. It can be accessed by phone and email, and meets the demands of any form of violence against women.
For more information visit the following page.
Administration of justice of Catalonia
Attention to victims
- Information for the victim
- Addresses and telephone numbers for the victim
- Police stations
- Crime Victim Care Office
- Free legal aid application form
- International attention to the victim