Disability laws and regulations
University of Barcelona
Decree 246/2003, of October 8, 2003., Statute of the University of Barcelona
DOGC num. 3993, 22 October 22, 2003
Catalan legislation
Laws and Decrees
- Law 19/2020, of December 30, on equal treatment and non-discrimination
DOGC December 31, 2020, no. 8307 - Law 13/2014, of October 30, of accessibility
DOGC November 4, 2014, no. 6742 - Law 17/2010, of June 3, 2010, of the Catalan sign language
DOGC 10 June 2010, num. 5647 - Law 19/2009, of November 26, access to the environment for people accompanied by assistance cats
DOGC December 3, 2009, num. 5519 - Law 12/2007, October 11, 2007, of social services of Catalonia
DOGC October 18, 2007, num. 4990
BOE November 6, 2007, num. 266 - Law 5/2006, of 10 May, of the fifth book of the Civil Code of Catalonia, relating to real rights.
DOGC May 24, 2006, num. 4640
DOGC June 15, 2006, num. 4655 (correction of errors)
BOE June 22, 2006, num. 148 - Decree 284/1996, of July 23, 1996, of regulation of the Catalan social services system
DOGC July 31, 1996, num. 2237 - Decree 176/2000, of May 15, 2000, amending Decree 284/1996, of July 23, 1996, regulating the Catalan social services system
DOGC 26th May 2000, num. 3418 - Decree 135/1995, of March 24, 1995., of deployment of Law 20/1991, of November 25, 1991, on the promotion of accessibility and the elimination of architectural barriers.
DOGC April 28, 1995, num. 2043 - Decree 97/2002, of March 5, 2002, on the parking card for handicapped persons and other measures to facilitate the movement of persons with reduced mobility
DOGC 25 March 2002, num. 3602
Orders and resolutions
- Order ASC/512/2009, of November 18, on the disability identification card
DOGC of 3 December 2009, num. 5519 - Order ASC/573/2010, of December 3, 2010, of partial deployment of Law 19/2009, of December 26, 2009, on the access to the environment of people accompanied by assistance cats.
DOGC of 14 December 2010, num. 5779 - Recommendation 98/376/EC, of 4 June 1998, on the creation of a parking card for people with disabilities
DO of the CE L 167/25
State Legislation
- Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013 of November 29, 2013, approving the revised text of the General Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and their Social Inclusion
BOE December 3, 2013, num. 289 - Law 8/2005, of June 6, to reconcile disability pensions in the non-contributory mode with paid work
BOE June 7, 2005, num. 135 - Order VIV/561/2010, of February 1, developing the technical document of basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination for the access and use of urbanized public spaces
BOE March 11, 2010, num. 61 - Royal Decree 173/2010, of February 19, which amends the Technical Building Code, approved by Royal Decree 314/2006, of 17 March, on accessibility and non-discrimination of people with disabilities.
BOE March 11, 2010, num. 61 - Law 26/2011, August 1, of adaptation to the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
BOE August 2, 2011, num. 184
Drug laws and regulations
- Llei 20/1985, of July 25, of prevention and assistance in the field of substances that can generate dependence
DOGC num. 572 published on 07/08/1985 - Law 10/1991, of 10 May, of modification of Law 20/1985, of prevention and assistance in the matter of substances that can generate dependence.
DOGC num. 1445 published on 22/05/1991 - Law 1/2002, of March 11, of third amendment to Law 20/1985, of July 25, 1985, on prevention and assistance in the matter of substances that may generate dependence
- Decree 235/1991, of October 28, of deployment of Law 10/1991, of May 10, 1991, which regulates warnings, dissuasive messages, logos and signage on tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
DOGC num. 1520 published the 20/11/1991 - Decree 160/1986, of 26th of May, of constitution of the Commission for the Coordination and Fight against Drug Dependency, and the Board of Directors and the Technical Body for the deployment of Law 20/1985
DOGC num. 703 published the 20/06/1986 - Decree 266/1991, December 11, which regulates the sanctioning capacity provided for in Law 20/1985, of July 25, 1985, on prevention and assistance in the matter of substances that can generate dependence, partially modified by Law 10/1991, of May 10, 1991.
DOGC num. 1532 published the 20/12/1991 - Order of February 20, 1991, regulating the treatments contemplated in Royal Decree 75/1990, of January 19, 1990.
DOGC num. 1414 published the 04/03/1991 - Decree 69/1987, of February 20, which establishes the list of inhalable industrial coles and other products with euphoriant or depressive effects.
DOGC num. 817 published the 18/03/1987 - Royal Decree 75/1990, of January 19, that regulates the treatment with opioids of people dependent on them.
BOE num. 20 published the 23/01/1990 - Royal Decree 1131/1990, of September 14, that modifies art. 3º.3 of Royal Decree 75/1990, of January 19, 1990, which regulates the treatment with opioids of people dependent on the same.
BOE num. 224 published the 18/09/1990 - Royal Decree 5/1996, of January 15, amending Royal Decree 75/1990, of January 19, 1990, which regulates the treatment with opioids of people dependent on them and the extension of its annex.
BOE num. 44 published the 20/02/1996 - Law 8/1998, of July 10, of second amendment to Law 20/1985, of July 25, 1985, on prevention and assistance in the matter of substances that can generate dependence
DOGC num. 2686 published the 22/07/1998 - Decree 200/2002, of July 23, which regulates the marking of limitations on the sale of alcoholic beverages.
- Decree 32/2005, of March 8, which regulates the signaling of the limitations in the sale of alcoholic beverages.
- Regulatory framework and actions carried out in the labor environment
- Spanish legislation on drugs. State, autonomous, municipal and international regulations