University of Barcelona
- Unitat de Teràpia de Conducta (UTC). It is a clinical service of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona that provides psychological assistance.
- Unitat de Tècniques Augmentatives de Comunicació (UTAC). The UTAC is an external service of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona. It includes the UTAC Sírius, which is subsidised by the Department of Social Welfare and Family and the UTAC Education, which is subsidised by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya. It is aimed at people with motor disabilities who require augmentative and alternative forms of communication and assistive technologies and access to the computer, adapted games and assisted mobility.
Institutions and organisations
- ACIC – Catalan Association for the Integration of the Blind
- AG BELL – Attention to Hearing Impairment
- APSO – Training in sign language
- Associació Discapacitats Visuals Catalunya
- CERMI – Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities
- COCEMFE – Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disability
- Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies
- Dincat – Full Inclusion Catalonia – Intellectual Disability
- Federació ACAPPS – Federation of Catalan Associations of Families and People with Deafness
- Federació ECOM – Associative movement made up of organisations of people with physical disabilities
- Federació FESOCA – Federation of Deaf People of Catalonia
- Federació SMC. Federació Salut Mental Catalunya. It is the former FECAFAMM (Catalan Federation of Associations of families and people with mental health problems)
- FEM – Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
- Fundación Prevent. It is a national non-profit organisation, constituted with the aim of promoting actions, policies and programmes that promote the social and labour inclusion of people with disabilities and occupational health and safety.
- Fundación Universia. It is a private non-profit organisation promoted by Universia with the aim of promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market.
- ONCE – Spanish National Organisation of the Blind
- SID – Disability Information Service