In case of community illness or non-occupational accident

In case of vital emergency

If it is not a vital emergency and immediate attention or evacuation is not required

  • During medical office hours you can go to
    • Diagonal Campus
      Florensa Classroom. Adolf Florensa, 8 – 08028, Barcelona
      Opening hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Call in advance
      Tel: 9340 24597
    • Mundet Campus
      Care Centre (Diputació de Barcelona)
      Mundet Venue, Pavilion Nord
      Hours: 8 to 19h
      Tel: 9340 36031 – 9340 22593 – 9340 22222 (ext. 36031 or 22593)
  • For other times, please contact your Primary Care Centre or the hospitals of the public health network. Call 061 or consult the website of the health centres.
  • You can also go to the nearest CUAP (Primary Care Emergency Center) where the assistance is 24 hours:
    • CUAP Ciutat Vella – Peracamps
      Sq. Pieyre de Mandiargues, 1-5
      08003, Barcelona
    • CUAP Horta
      St. Sant Gaudenci, 21
      08031, Barcelona
      Tel: 93 428 95 17
    • CUAP Manso
      St. Manso, 19
      08015, Barcelona
      Tel: 93 554 31 61
    • Hospital – CUAP Sagrat Cor
      St. Viladomat, 288
      08029, Barcelona
      Tel: 93 322 11 11
    • CUAP Pura Fernández
      St. Cobalt, 135-137
      08905, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
      Phone: 93 260 19 26