Rights and responsibilities in matters of safety and health at work

In this section you will find the applicable regulations, rights, obligations and functions, as a PDI and / or tutor of fellows.

Functions and responsibilities in preventive matters

The Statute of the UB recognizes the right of all the PDI (art. 138.1.ji 138.2.f) and PTGAS (art. 163.2.fi 163.3.d) of the UB to enjoy information and effective protection in the matter of health and safety at work. It also establishes the obligation of the staff to know the safety rules of the center and to make proper use of the resources, means, facilities and services that the UB puts at its disposal. .

In general, the duties included in the Prevention Plan of both the PDI and PTGAS of the UB are:

  • Comply with the instructions issued by the staff responsible for prevention.
  • Use the machinery, facilities, substances and protective equipment in accordance with the instructions received.
  • Be prepared and respond to emergencies that affect them:
    • Know and follow the action of action in case of emergency in the center.
    • Assume the responsibilities and functions set out in the Self-Protection Plan.
    • Participate in regular emergency drills.
  • Attend training activities on occupational safety and health, and follow the preventive principles discussed in the training, incorporating them into daily activities.
  • Collaborate with the staff responsible for risk assessments, and with the investigation of incidents and accidents at work.
  • Inform the OSSMA of any situation which, in its opinion, entails, for reasonable reasons, a risk to safety and health.
  • In the teaching activities they develop, the PDI and the PTGAS will be responsible for transmitting to the students the appropriate prevention rules and ensuring that they are complied with.

Specifically for teaching, the Agreement of the Universities Council states, in accordance with the provisions of RD 1791/2010 approving the Statute of the University Student, that universities will provide training to university students on the prevention of occupational hazards, as well as the means to ensure their health and safety in the development of their learning activities.
In the case of laboratory practices, workshops and fieldwork, the teaching staff responsible for these will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the principles of preventive action established in Article 15 of the LPRL, as well as ensure compliance with the codes of good practice in their development.

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