Respiratory protection: filters

ID codeContaminantFilter identification color
AOrganic gases and fumes (Boiling temp. > 65 °C)Brown
BInorganic gases and fumesGrey
EAcid gasesYellow
NO – P3Nitrogen oxide and particlesBlueWhite
Hg – P3Mercury and particlesRedWhite
AxOrganic gases and vapors (Boiling temp. > 65 °C)Brown
Respiratory protection filter

*The particle filters have a number after their identification code. Its meaning is:

  • P1: Particulate filter with low absorption capacity.
  • P2: Particle filter with medium absorption capacity.
  • P3: Particulate filter with high absorption capacity.

Also in the rest of the filters A B E K there are associated numbers 1, 2, or 3, with a meaning similar to that of the particle filters.

These are some examples of filters. Consult the OSSMA for advice.