Details of the company and the legal representative
Name of the institution/organisation/company*
Name and surname of the legal representative*
As the legal representative of the aforementioned Institution/Organisation/Company, you accredit by means of this document the fulfilment of the legal requirements specified in Royal Decree 171/2004, of 30 January, which develops article 24 of Law 31/1995, of 8 November, on the prevention of occupational hazards, in the field of Coordination of Business Activities.
Details of the external prevention service
Company name/SP accreditation no.
Specialities taken on Safety Industrial hygiene Ergonomics and Psychosociology Health surveillance
I want to include another prevention service Yes No
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Company name/SP accreditation no.
Specialities taken on Safety Industrial hygiene Ergonomics and Psychosociology Health surveillance
Data relating to the prevention of occupational hazards
You have a Civil Liability Policy in force and up to date with payment Yes No
Are you up to date with your tax obligations? Yes No
You are up to date with your social security and/or self-employed contributions Yes No
The staff is registered and up to date with the payment of the social security quotes (TC1/TC2) Yes No
In the case of subcontracting, it has established the appropriate means of coordination with its subcontractors or concurrent self-employed workers who provide services to UB facilities, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 171/2004 Yes No
It has a prevention plan Yes No
It has carried out the Risk Assessment and Planning of the preventive activity of the activities to be carried out by its staff at the UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, in accordance with the regulations in force Yes No
Your employees have the necessary skills, professional training and experience to carry out the tasks to be performed Yes No
Your staff has been informed and trained on the risks of the activity to be carried out, and the preventive and emergency measures to be applied Yes No NA
It undertakes to inform the staff using the space it is allocated about the rules of action in the event of an emergency Yes No NA
The staff has the medical certificates accrediting their specific medical aptitude for the development of the activities to be carried out, or, if this is not possible, the document of refusal to take the health examination Yes No NA
The company has instructions and/or work procedures for the tasks to be carried out Yes No NA
All the work equipment necessary for the activities to be carried out is suitable according to the current applicable regulations (R.D.1215/1997, EC Directive, ATEX Directive, among other applicable regulations) and is in a correct state of use and conservation Yes No NA
Its personnel have the necessary personal protection equipment to carry out the work contracted in accordance with the activity's risk assessment. Yes No NA
In case of handling chemical products, the workers have the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and have been informed of their content and formats adequately for their safe handling Yes No NA
It undertakes to inform the UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA immediately of any accidents or emergencies that occur during the development of the activities Yes No
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