Article 24 of Law 31/1995, of 8 November 1995, on the Prevention of Occupational Risks, and its subsequent development throughRoyal Decree 171/2004of 30 January establishes that, when personnel from two or more companies carry out activities in the same workplace, these companies must cooperate in the application of the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, establishing the necessary means both for the protection and prevention of risks and for providing information on these risks to the respective workers.
Description of the procedure
At the University of Barcelona a series of situations can arise in which coordination between companies, institutions, individuals, research groups, etc. is necessary. There are two possible scenarios: the contracted company may carry out the same activity as the UB or it may carry out a different activity (taking on services that are not provided by the University).
The UB will determine the means of coordination of activities that are considered necessary according to the characteristics of the activities and the space where they are carried out. These means may vary for each situation depending on the duration and duration of the activity, as well as the number of workers exposed.
Before starting the procedure, we would like to remind you the preventive measures and recommendations to be followed in order to avoid and minimise the risk of transmission and contagion by COVID-19. This information must be extended to all those who carry out activities at the University of Barcelona:
Start the CBA procedure
The procedure will differ according to the type of relationship with the UB:

Visitors, companies or freelancers who access less than a day or carry out low-risk activities (delivery, commercial, etc.) at the UB
External companies

External companies, self-employed individuals, other institutions that carry out their activities at the UB with different activities to those of the UB

External companies, freelancers, other institutions that carry out their activity at the UB with activity similar to the UB (research and teaching)
Renting of spaces

External companies, self-employed people, other institutions that rent spaces for academic or socio-cultural events

External companies, self-employed people, other institutions that rent spaces for technical or research activities
In case of doubt
In order to set up a meeting (in person or by telephone) with the prevention service, please send an email to