Technical specialties

Coordination of business activities (CAE)

Norms for visitors

Coordinació d’activitats empresarials per a personal UB

Risk communication

Notification of accidents and incidents

Remote work

(Exceptional situation COVID-19)

Induction Plan

Statement of activities

Commitment to risk prevention at the UB

Application for Personal Protective Equipment

Work permit

Collaboration fellowship information

Medical service

Medical examination

Request for pharmacy or equipment

Join the smoking cessation program

COVID-19 vulnerability questionnaire


Application for collection of special waste and replacement of containers

Declaration of users of ozone-depleting substances for essential laboratory and analytical uses

Collection of computer equipment and other electronic purchasing equipment

(to be filled in by the person in charge of the building / center, access restricted to UB users)

Collection of computer equipment and other electronic rental / leasing equipment

(to be filled in by the person in charge of the building / center, access restricted to UB users)