The University of Barcelona has been reducing its energy consumption for more than 10 years. In fact, in 2022 we will consume less electricity than in 2002, and less gas than in 1996. Taking into account that, in all this time, the number of buildings has increased, the effort we have made to be more energy efficient can be valued very positively.
We cannot, however, let our guard down. Looking ahead to 2023, the challenge remains to continue reducing our consumption, but with an added economic factor. If consumption remains stable, the University’s energy expenditure will multiply by approximately 4 due to the end of the energy contract that has been in force up to now and the global increase in electricity and gas prices that is being experienced throughout Europe.
This makes it even more necessary to apply energy saving measures (reduction of air conditioning hours, temperature adjustment, lighting saving, etc.) and to carry out actions to improve the energy efficiency of the facilities. In this sense, tenders are underway for the massive substitution of fluorescent bulbs for LEDs, or the first phase of a photovoltaic self-consumption installation in building 690 of the Faculty of Economics and Business.
And it is not a simple challenge! In the case of electricity, we have thousands of consumption points scattered all over the university, whether they are lights or enclosed equipment, and in most cases consumption depends on the fact that each of us uses energy responsibly. That is why the Plan to promote energy saving at the UBwhich has come into force at the beginning of the year, is accompanied by the communication and awareness campaign “We are responsible”.which will run throughout the year 2023 and will seek the active involvement of the UB community in this common sustainability objective.
Among the actions planned is the challenge of energy saving with The Planet App, which will be active from February 15 to June 15. We encourage you to participate!
In order to facilitate the follow-up of the campaign we have prepared the page “Energy saving”.which compiles information on the evolution of energy consumption, as well as improvement actions that are being implemented in buildings, and awareness resources to make a more efficient use of energy in work or study spaces.

This action is part of the Climate Emergency objective of the roadmap for implementing sustainability actions at the UB, and is included in goal CA3 (carry out energy saving awareness actions throughout the university community) of the University of Barcelona’s Agenda 2030.