Green corners
Website developed by the OSSMA of the project ‘Gardens for health’ of the teaching innovation group GIBAF of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and carried out between 2014 and 2016. The website includes species’ pictures, which can be linked to from the QR codes installed in the garden.
Guided visits to the Ferran Soldevila Garden
Botanical and biogeographical visits to the Ferran Soldevila Garden in the Historic Building, organised by the OSSMA between 2011 and 2013.
Environmental itineraries in the Garden of the Historic Building
Project carried out by the OSSMA with the support of Barcelona City Council, which allowed the inventory of species present to be updated, four thematic itineraries to be defined, and signposting panels to be designed and installed with botanical and biogeographical information based on the vegetation present in the garden.
- Project proposal
- Report on the results of the project
- The garden of the UB Historic Building. Transformation into an education resource for sustainability
- Information panels in the garden of the Historic Building
- Environmental itineraries in the garden of the Historic Building: triptych
- Itineraries in the garden of the Historic Building: City Trees
- Itineraries in the garden of the Historic Building: The Mediterranean Trees
- Itineraries in the garden of the Historic Building: The most primitive flowering plants
- Itineraries in the garden of the Historic Building: Useful Plants
- Guide map of species in the garden of the Historic Building