Dc. Vivanco Group
Nuclear Receptors and Breast Cancer
Dc. María del Mar Vivanco Ruiz
María Vivanco is a doctor in molecular biology from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. After her post-doctoral studies at UCSF (San Francisco, USA), María started her own lab at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, UK, where she identified mammary stem/progenitor cells in the human breast. She has directed her group at CIC bioGUNE since 2005, characterising mammary stem cells and examining their role in resistance to therapy. They are currently studying cancer stem cells as potential therapeutic targets.
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About Us
- Principal Investigator:
María del Mar Vivanco Ruiz - Co-Principal Investigators:
Robert Kypta - Doctoral Fellows:
Miriam Rábano - Predoctoral Fellows and technicians:
Víctor Barrios,
Virginia Gamboa,
Irantzu Gorroño,
Isabel Gris,
Ignacio Pachón,
Martin Parga,
Connor Parry
![Grupo Vivanco](https://www.ub.edu/nurcamein/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/grupo-vivanco-2023.webp)
What Do We Research?
Breast cancer remains the most common tumour and the leading cause of cancer death among women. Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, which complicates diagnosis and challenges therapy. There is still much to learn about the mechanisms by which some cells develop resistance to anti-cancer treatments, why treatment fails and when the tumour reappears the recurrent tumour is more aggressive, and how cells escape from the tumour to initiate metastasis. Breast tumours contain different cell types, including cells with characteristics of stem cells, cancer stem cells (CSCs), which are responsible for tumour initiation and development of resistance to therapies. In the laboratory we are investigating the heterogeneity of breast cancer and the mechanisms of resistance to hormonal therapy used against breast tumours that express the estrogen receptor, ER, which represent approximately 75% of all cases. We hope that this knowledge will facilitate the identification of new forms of therapy that, combined with current approaches, will result in more effective treatments to improve survival and quality of life of breast cancer patients. In the laboratory we use cell models of resistance to endocrine therapies, as well as fresh breast tissue (healthy and tumour), and employ a wide variety of techniques, including collaborations with chemists, physicists and mathematicians, to explore from different angles the complexity of breast cancer, improve our understanding of cancer from a molecular point of view, and try to design new approaches to stratify patients and provide new strategies to reduce or eliminate the risk of development of resistance and prevent metastasis.
The studies that are being carried out in the laboratory are currently focused on understanding better the mechanisms by which nuclear receptors, with particular emphasis on the estrogen receptor (ER), influence the behaviour of healthy and cancer breast stem cells. The research focuses on the involvement of cancer stem cells in the process of development of resistance to hormone therapy in breast cancer and on the relevance of cancer heterogeneity in the response to the tumour microenvironment.
López-Ruiz JA, Mieza JA, Zabalza I, Vivanco MdMCancers 2022;14(17):4197.
Oliemuller E, Newman R, Tsang SM, Foo S, Muirhead G, Noor F, Haider S, Aurrekoetxea-Rodríguez I, Vivanco MD, Howard BA>Elife 2020;9:e58374
Qureshi R, Picon-Ruiz M, Aurrekoetxea-Rodriguez I, Nunes de Paiva V, et al. Ince T, Lippman ME, Thaller SR, Rodgers SE, Kesmodel S, Vivanco MDM, Slingerland JMCell Metab 2020;31(6):1154-1172.e9
Fabre M, Ferrer C, Domínguez-Hormaetxe S, Bockorny B, Murias L, Seifert O, et al, Lee SY, Vivanco MD, López-Casas PP, Perea S, Abbas M, Richter W, Simon L, Hidalgo MClin Cancer Res. 2020;26(13):3420-3430
Domenici G, Aurrekoetxea-Rodríguez I, Simões BM, Rábano M, Lee SY, Millán JS, Comaills V, Oliemuller E, López-Ruiz JA, Zabalza I, Howard BA, Kypta RM, Vivanco MDOncogene 2019;38(17):3151-3169
Pérez-Álvarez L, Ruiz L, Artetxe B, Vivanco MD, Gutiérrez-Zorrilla JM, Vilas-Vilela JLCarbohydrate Polymers. 2019;213:159-167
Tornillo G, Knowlson C, Kendrick H, Cooke J, Mirza H, Aurrekoetxea-Rodríguez I, Vivanco MDM, Buckley NE, Grigoriadis A, Smalley MJCell Rep 2018;25(13):3674-3692
Al Shareef Z, Kardooni H, Murillo-Garzón V, Domenici G, Stylianakis E, Steel JH, Rabano M, Gorroño-Etxebarria I, Zabalza I, Vivanco MD, Waxman J, Kypta RMOncogene 2018;37(39):5305-5324
Iriondo O, Rábano M, Domenici G, Carlevaris O, López JA, Zabalza I, Berra E, Vivanco MDOncotarget 2015;6(31):31721-39
Piva M, Domenici G, Iriondo O, Rábano M, Simões BM, Comaills V, Barredo I, López-Ruiz JA, Zabalza I, Kypta R, Vivanco MDEMBO Mol Med 2014;6(1):66-79
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