Instructions for Speakers / Abstract Submission
Oral presentations are 15 min. long, plus 3 min. for questions and 2 min. for changing speakers.
Presenters are kindly asked to use the computer in the room for their presentation, so please bring your presentation in a USB stick (or/and email it to yourself and download it on to the room computer), to avoid screen resolution and file format problems. Presentations should be copied to the room computer prior to the session during a coffee break or during the first or last 15 minutes of the lunch break. It is advisable to embed phonetic fonts in your presentation and also to have a pdf version of the presentation, just in case. If you plan to play sound files please test the sound when you copy your presentation in the room computer. A volunteer will be there to help you.
Posters should fit a 116 cm (height) x 85.5 cm (wide) panel. Poster sessions start at 3pm. Posters can be put up during lunch time and should be removed by the end of the day. Panels will be numbered. The number for each poster is indicated on the conference program. A volunteer will be there to assist you.
TEMPLATE to be used for the final version of the abstracts, which will appear in the book of abstracts. Please follow the formatting instructions given on the template. You may revise the content, and, if so, please take the reviewers’ comments into account as much as possible. At the same time, the revised version should not differ substantially from the original version.
Send the revised version as both an MS Word and a PDF document to See the template for further instructions.
The deadline for the revised abstract submission is March 15th, 2022.
Proposals for papers and posters related to the acquisition of second language speech are invited. Poster sessions are scheduled for each of the three conference days.
All proposals must be written in English. Paper and poster presentations will be in English.
Abstract Submission:
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words (excluding title and references) and should be submitted through Easy Chair.
Abstracts should ensure anonymity and should contain: a title, a clear and explicit statement of the question/s or issue to be examined, a statement of the relevant research context and key references, a clear statement of the methodology adopted (if applicable), a summary of the results and an assessment of their significance. Please use Times New Roman font, size 12, 1 inch margins and single spacing in an A4 page. Do not include author names or affiliations in the abstract, and submit as a property-free PDF file using author names separated by underscores as the file name (e.g., mora_cebrian_mora-plaza_gorba.pdf; file names will be anonymized by the organizers).
You will be prompted to indicate at least three keywords to characterize your submission, and to select between three and five topics from a list (you may use the keywords field to be more specific about your submission, or you may simply repeat the topics selected in the topics section). All abstracts will be peer-reviewed before acceptance. Authors may submit a maximum of three abstracts, only one of which can be first- or single-authored.
The deadline for abstract submission is November 1st 2021.
Special Sessions:
The conference program has a slot for three parallel special sessions (2 hours each). Proposals for special sessions on aspects of second language speech are invited. Those who wish to organize a special session should submit a brief proposal describing the motivation for the session, its relevance for the field, and its general structure and prospective participants if known. Special Session proposals should be sent as a pdf attachment to by September 1st, 2021, with the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the session organizer(s). Organizers will receive notification of acceptance by September 10th, 2021.
The deadline for abstract submission for Special Sessions is November 1st 2021.