Doctor of Architecture in 1985 with a thesis on acoustics (cum laude), he has been since 1992 Professor of Conditioning and Services of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), and currently Professor Emeritus of the UPC since 2019. He has been professor of acoustics for various Masters, PFC courts and qualifications of Landscaper Design of the ETSAB, as well as in doctorates, masters, and specialization courses of various technical schools of architecture, technical schools, and professional colleges of Spain. He has been president, vice president and secretary of CSAPDIU (UPC Committee on Teacher selection and evaluation). 7 five-year term teaching and 4 six-year of research. As an Architect, he has made numerous interventions in the field of construction and installations since 1976, especially highlighting as a consultant in architectural acoustics in theaters, auditoriums, music classrooms, recording studios, pubs and nightclubs (Sala d’Actes Comú d’Escaldes d’Engordany (Andorra), Sala d’Actes ETSEIB, Centre Civic i Auditori de Navarcles, Ateneu Celr’, Abc Granollers, Teatre Mollet, ARQUS Roda Bar, Pacha Salou, Piano Blau Granollers, restaurant Granollers, etc.) and CTE- DB- HR and DAV for the Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España. As an expert architect he has worked for ASEMAS, for the Administration of Justice (Administrative Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia, Jury of Expropriation of Catalonia, Jurors of First Instance, Contentious Jurors of Barcelona, etc.). He is an evaluator for ANECA, ACSUG, AQU, ANEP, ACSUCyL, for teachers, researchers, degrees, and masters. He has intervened in various lines of research with national and international projects related to urbanism and acoustic architecture and is a credit partner of the Sociedad Española de Acústica. He performs pictorial and sculptural works in relation to acoustic architecture. He has exhibited at the Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, FORUM 2004 in Barcelona, Fomento de Artes Decorativas, (a)phonica 2005, 2006 and 2007 of the City of Banyoles, Casa Sagnier in Barcelona, Grenoble Museum, etc. He is co-author of the Computer Program of Compliance with the State Acoustic Standard “NBE-CA-88″ edited by the Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1989; co-author of ” Ruido y Planteamiento Urbano “, chapter of the book El ruido en la ciudad, gestión y control, Sociedad Española de Acústica, Madrid, 1991; author of Arquitectura Acústica, 1. Poètica, Edicions UPC, Barcelona, 1998; co-author of the chapter “L’impacte ambiental del so i les vibracions” of the book Medi ambient i tecnologia, Edicions UPC, Barcelona, 1998; author of the chapters ” Rehabilitación acústica de edificios y rehabilitación acústica de locales”, of the book Patología y técnicas de intervención, Las instalaciones. Munilla – Leria, Madrid, 1999; author of Arquitectura Acústica, 2. Disseny, Edicions UPC, Barcelona, 2000; author of Arquitectura Acústica, Poética y Diseño, Edicions UPC, Barcelona, 2002; author of Arquitectura Acústica, 3. Rehabilitació, Edicions UPC, Barcelona, 2007; author of Maestro Roncador, , Sociedad Española de Acústica, 2014, and Paisajes Sonoros del Maestro Roncador, Sociedad Española de Acústica, 2020. He has also published numerous articles on acoustics in specialized journals at national and international level, and has made presentations and acoustic communications at national and international congresses. He has received the Mention “Mar I Muntanya” of the Cultural Olympics 92 in Barcelona for the project La ciudad del Sonido. He has been a member of the French Acoustics Society (grupo G2A Acoustique Architecturale), the European Register of Acousticians, the SEA Committee of Acoustic Specialists, of the SEA’s Committee on Third Cycle Studies, the University Group of Acoustic Teachers, the Association of Forensic Architects and Expert Experts (Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya) and President of Soluciones Constructivas y Ambientales KNAUF, the ISOVER Award and the Scientific Committee of Jornadas Nacionales de Acústica.