
The Master degree in Sound Art is 70 ECTS credits and is structured into two specialization courses: Sound Creation Postgraduate (30 ECTS) and Sound Design Postgraduate (30 ECTS) plus a Master's Final Project (10 ECTS). To present the Final Project it is mandatory to have approved the two postgraduates (60 credits).

The academic program of this Master’s degree and the specific postgraduate degrees are approved at the beginning of each course, with a duration of two specific academic years. Completion of the two specific degrees and the Final Project must begin and end within the two established academic years. If the student does not complete the master’s degree (70 credits) in the scheduled period it will not be possible to guarantee the finalization of the Master’s studies in future editions, since a new program will be subject to the competent academic authorities who authorize it.

Postgraduate degree in Sound Creation: Materials and Tools” (30 ECTS*)

It is oriented to the knowledge of the essential ideas, techniques and technologies to articulate a proposal of artistic production in the field of sound art, and the study of reference texts on new perspectives of sound. From the articulation of this elements new ideas will be promoted or contextualized within the framework of international contemporary art. Visit the subjects.

Postgraduate degree in Sound Design: Projection and Space (30 ECTS*)

It is oriented towards the knowledge of the essential ideas, techniques and technologies to implement a sound art work in a specific space. It focuses on the study of reference texts on the perception of sound and its role in the physical environment and social reality. Visit the subjects.  

Final master’s project (10 ECTS*)

Conception and development of an artistic production project or theoretical research (with the possibility of combining both) in the field of sound art, under the tutoring of one of the tutors of the master’s degree, in dialogue with the invited lecturers and with the technical assistance of the members of the Sound Art Laboratory of the University of Barcelona. If required, to develop their project, students will have access to the sculpture workshop of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the technical resources of the classrooms (image and audio editing studios).

The work must achieve the required quality, originality, and rigor to be (if possible) carried out and publicly showcase in a relevant center in the artistic and cultural context of the city, such as Arts Santa Monica, or Hangar. In any case, this work must meet the usual academic and university requirements.


To obtain the “Master in Sound Art” degree, it is compulsory to complete the two postgraduate degrees and the final master’s project.

Both the postgraduate degree “Sound Creation: Materials and Tools”, and the postgraduate degree “Sound Design: Projection and Space”, can be taken independently, and entitled to the corresponding postgraduate certificates. To complete the final project of the master’s degree it is compulsory to have approved both the postgraduate degree in Materials and Tools and the Projection and Space.

The postgraduate degree “Sound Creation: Materials and Tools” is taught during the first semester of the academic year (October to January), the Postgraduate degree “Sound Design: Projection and Space” is taught during the second semester (February to June), and the “Final Master’s Project” is held during the first semester of the following course to which the two postgraduate courses have been completed.  

* 1 ECTS 1 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, a unified system of the European Union, approximately 25 hours of student work, which are distributed approximately as follows in this master’s degree: master class (32%), directed work and tutorials (20%), and student self-employment (48%).