
The objective of these studies is to transform into a well-defined field of research, a series of creative practices and theoretical analyses on sound facts, which until now were presented in a dispersed way in peripheral productions of fields such as Fine Arts, Music or Architecture and, on the theoretical side, Philosophy, Art History, Musicology or Pedagogy.

Who is it addressed to?

The master’s degree is preferably aimed at graduates and professionals in the fields of plastic arts, architecture and music. Due to its content, this postgraduate course may be of interest to graduates and professionals in art history, pedagogy, psychology and philosophy. Graduate students will receive a postgraduate degree, and professionals and students who are up to 10% to complete their undergraduate studies will receive a University Extension degree.


The master’s degree aims to develop a practical and experimental attitude with the representative concepts, procedures and techniques of sound art, based on the interest of each student and their personal project.

We will work with the intersection of languages from different backgrounds: artistic concepts based on experimental art from recent decades and hybrid conceptual frameworks of science and music. A method of working based on network thinking will be developed, through interrelationship, interaction, interconnection of examples, concepts and artistic works understood as a work process where information and experiences that can be mixed and reorganized in multiple possible ways are combined.

A practical work system based on direct experimentation with sounds, spaces and materials will be applied. I will develop a cumulative structure of combinatorial experiences aimed at expanding to a variety of relationships and directions.


Classes are usually held in English