Base de Dades Ramon Llull (Llull DB)

Ramon Llull Database (Llull DB)

Universitat de BarcelonaUniversity of Barcelona

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Bibliografia lul·liana

Lullian bibliography

Spadini, Diagrams [2018].

Fabio Spadini
"«Charissime fili»: the transmission of alchemical science from the manuscript to the press: the pseudo-lullian diagrams"
MHNH Revista Internacional de Investigación sobre Magia y Astrología Antiguas 18 (2018), pp. 207-238.

The massive presence of alchemical diagrams in the Testamentum of Pseudo Ramon Llull makes it possible to analyse in a pertinent way the development of a diagrammatic thought aimed at the teaching of alchemical science. The analysis of the key figures of a manuscript kept at the Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana in St Gall allows not only to understand the general functioning of the alchemical figures, but also to underline the methodological changes due to the passage from the manuscript to the printed book.

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