Base de Dades Ramon Llull (Llull DB)

Ramon Llull Database (Llull DB)

Universitat de BarcelonaUniversity of Barcelona

La Llull DB és d'accés obert; per consultar-la només cal donar-s'hi d'alta. The Llull DB is open access; to consult it you only need to register.

Bibliografia lul·liana

Lullian bibliography

Nadal Cañellas, Mundo bizantino [2019].

Joan Nadal Cañellas
"Ramón Llull y el mundo bizantino"
The Literary Legacy of Byzantium: Editions, Translations, and Studies in Honour of Joseph A. Munitiz SJ, ed. Bram Roosen iand Peter Van Deun "Byzantioς. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization" 15 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), pp. 289-319.

This posthumously published article focuses on Ramon Llull, a great mystic theologian and writer from Majorca, and more particularly on his profound knowledge of the Eastern and Byzantine world.

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