Bibliografia lul·liana
Lullian bibliography
Tous, Amatius [2018].
Francesc Tous
"Metàfores, condicions i flors: els aforismes "amatius" de Ramon Llull, del Llibre d'amic e amat a l'Arbre de filosofia d'amor"
Actes del Congrés de Clausura de l'Any Llull. «Ramon Llull, pensador i escriptor». Barcelona, 17-18 de novembre de 2016, ed. Lola Badia, Joan Santanach i Suñol iand Albert Soler i Llopart "Col·lecció Blaquerna" 13 (Barcelona / Palma: Universitat de Barcelona / Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2018), pp. 487-504.
Ramon Llull's mystical works, whose main goal is to instruct and guide the human will towards the love of God, have some features in common: a strong didactical and applied purpose, the use of figurative language based on the metaphor of the lover and the Beloved, and the rhetorical use of brief forms, primarily maxims and other kinds of sententious forms. This paper offers a preliminary comprehensive analysis of the collections and series of mystical maxims written by Llull. The first part is devoted to delimiting and describing the textual corpus under study, which includes the Book of the Lover and the Beloved (1276-1283), the Ars amativa boni (1290), the Flowers of Love and Flowers of Intelligence (1294) and the Tree of the Philosophy of Love (1298). Secondly, the form and function of these series of maxims are analyzed, making it possible to identify their similarities and divergences. The conclusion of the paper is that, in some cases, the divergences between the last three books and the first one, the Book of the Lover and the Beloved, can be linked to the transformations of the Lullian Art in the transition from the quaternary to the ternary phase.
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