Bibliografia lul·liana
Lullian bibliography
Gadea i Gambús, Joglaria [2018].
Ferran Gadea i Gambús
"Ramon Llull i la joglaria"
Actes del Congrés de Clausura de l'Any Llull. «Ramon Llull, pensador i escriptor». Barcelona, 17-18 de novembre de 2016, ed. Lola Badia, Joan Santanach i Suñol iand Albert Soler i Llopart "Col·lecció Blaquerna" 13 (Barcelona / Palma: Universitat de Barcelona / Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2018), pp. 419-440.
The condemnation of minstrels became a constant in the thought and writings of Ramon Llull. It is a negative judgment in keeping with those of other reformers and moralists from the late 13th and first half of the 14th century. In short, minstrels, qualified as "liars", cause (a) social disruption and war through sirventes; (b) breaking of the bond of matrimony through song; and (c) corruption of clergymen and of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. In response to this situation, Ramon Llull proposes a highly personal version of the figure of the "Minstrel of God", typified by the personality of Francis of Assisi. This process culminates in the emblematic design of the Minstrel of Worth in the Romance of Evast and Blaquerna.
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