Base de Dades Ramon Llull (Llull DB)

Ramon Llull Database (Llull DB)

Universitat de BarcelonaUniversity of Barcelona

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Bibliografia lul·liana

Lullian bibliography

Fernàndez Clot, Electuari [2018].

Anna Fernàndez Clot
"La Medicina de pecat de Ramon Llull, un electuari moral en vers"
Actes del Congrés de Clausura de l'Any Llull. «Ramon Llull, pensador i escriptor». Barcelona, 17-18 de novembre de 2016, ed. Lola Badia, Joan Santanach i Suñol iand Albert Soler i Llopart "Col·lecció Blaquerna" 13 (Barcelona / Palma: Universitat de Barcelona / Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2018), pp. 381-400.

The aim of this paper is to identify and study the thematic and structural elements of Ramon Llull's Medicina de pecat that are related to the characterization of the treatise as a moral electuary. First of all, I analyze the relationship that the author establishes between medicine against sin and the doctrine of intentions, both in the treatise in verse and in other Lullian texts. Next, I describe the different parts of the work and show how the structure follows a purification process in which each part has a specific healing function, which is applied to several theological and moral principles and determines the use of different discursive forms and models in each case. Last of all, I point out that the treatise has a markedly applied approach and is conceived as a progressive series of spiritual exercises that readers must assimilate and implement gradually and in proper order, following the internal structure of the treatise in order to avoid sin and maintain the first intention.

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