Bibliografia lul·liana
Lullian bibliography
Tenge-Wolf, Theology [2018].
Viola Tenge-Wolf
"Totes sciencies son per theología. Ramon Llull's Concept of Theology as a Science"
Actes del Congrés de Clausura de l'Any Llull. «Ramon Llull, pensador i escriptor». Barcelona, 17-18 de novembre de 2016, ed. Lola Badia, Joan Santanach i Suñol iand Albert Soler i Llopart "Col·lecció Blaquerna" 13 (Barcelona / Palma: Universitat de Barcelona / Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2018), pp. 241-262.
In the introductory sections of the Sentence commentaries and theological Summae written in the 13th and early 14th centuries, scholastic theologians dealt with a whole range of methodological issues concerning the Aristotelian theory of science and its applicability to theology. Two much-debated questions are examined in this study: a) Is theology a science? And if so, b) What are the principles of demonstration employed in this science? In the first part of the paper, examples are given of how academic theologians answered these questions, while in the second part Ramon Llull's solutions to the same problems are outlined. While many of his contemporaries did not clearly distinguish between theologia as the Word of God in the Bible and theologia as an academic discipline using scientific methods, Llull had a very precise notion of theology as a science. In his eyes, the kind of theology that is based on faith and authorities (like Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Church Fathers) is no science in the proper sense. Even though he never explicitly says so, there is no doubt that this verdict neatly applies to academic theology as it was taught in Paris. Theology as understood by Llull, on the other hand, meets the methodological requirements of a science in making use of rational argument and proof. As regards the first principles of demonstration, Aristotle had postulated them to be self-evident, necessary, and universal. Most 13th century theologians maintained that in theology the Articles of Faith served as principles. These, however, could hardly be considered self-evident, since they were derived from revelation and grounded in faith. This was a fundamental problem faced by all scholastic authors. Llull tried to solve it by qualifying theology as a particular science (in the Aristotelian sense), governed by the Lullian Art as the general science, and with principles subalternate to the universal principles of the Art. In his concept of theology, the articles of faith are neither first principles nor indemonstrable, but subject to proof by the Lullian method of demonstratio per aequiparantiam.
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