Bibliografia lul·liana
Lullian bibliography
Santanach i Suñol, Contemplació [2018].
Joan Santanach i Suñol
"L'«Art de contemplació» del Blaquerna, entre la narració i la teoria"
Actes del Congrés de Clausura de l'Any Llull. «Ramon Llull, pensador i escriptor». Barcelona, 17-18 de novembre de 2016, ed. Lola Badia, Joan Santanach i Suñol iand Albert Soler i Llopart "Col·lecció Blaquerna" 13 (Barcelona / Palma: Universitat de Barcelona / Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2018), pp. 177-197.
The fifth book of the Romance of Evast and Blaquerna, "On the Eremetic Life," is an account of the protagonist's experience in contemplation once he has been freed from his Papal obligations. The book is made up of two clearly distinct parts: the famous "Book of the Lover and the Beloved," the literary expression of Blaquerna's contemplative experience, and the "Art of Contemplation." The "Art of Contemplation" is not exactly a book within the novel, as is the case with the "Book of the Lover and the Beloved," but rather the account of the character's contemplative process. Throughout its fifteen chapters--fourteen plus a last one, devoted to the passion of Christ, which Llull added after having considered the work finished--we are told how and by which processes the character helps himself to "acquire devotion" so that "his intellect and will might rise aloft to contemplate God in terms of His honours and His countenance." Much to the reader's surprise, Blaquerna, who has just written the "Book of the Lover and the Beloved," presents himself in the "Art of Contemplation" as an inexperienced contemplator who is repeatedly plagued by doubts--often the product of the interference of the imaginative power linked to sensory perception--which hinder the rise of the powers of the rational soul. It should probably be interpreted as a didactic resource, which, in the process of explaining the method of contemplation, makes it possible to clarify how the contemplator can overcome certain obstacles.
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