Bibliografia lul·liana
Lullian bibliography
Matteoli, Bruno a Praga [2016].
Marco Matteoli
"Giordano Bruno a Praga tra lullismo, matematica e filosofia"
Rinascimento.Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento LVI (2016), pp. 301-325.
In 1588, from early spring to autumn, Giordano Bruno spent six months in Prague, living at the Spanish embassy. Here he attended at the edition of two works: De specierum scrutinio, a lullian text composed of De lam-pade combinatoria Lulliana and De compendiosa architectura, and Articuli centum et sexaginta adversus mathematicos. If the first recalled the two lullian works pub-lished by Bruno in Paris and Wittenberg, the second offered a new geomet-rical model, founded on minimum, a new conceptual object under which he brought together unity, atom and geometrical point. Thus, here he began a new theoretical season which reached its fulfillment with the Frankfurt poems, especially De triplici minimo et mensura. In this article I aim to demonstrate the intellectual framework, from Prague to Helmstedt, which supported Bruno's philosophical searching about this new status of matter, within this peculiar theory of atomistic geometry. I focus my reflections on those students who met Bruno at Helmstedt and followed him to Padua.
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