Bibliografia lul·liana
Lullian bibliography
Blanco Mourelle, Every knowable [2017].
Noel Blanco Mourelle
Every Knowable Thing: The Art of Ramon Llull and the Construction of Knowledge (Tesi doctoral. Doctoral dissertation. Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures. Columbia University, 2017), 262 pp.
This dissertation avers that the circulation of manuscript copies and printed editions of the works of Ramon Llull played a key role in Iberian cultural history and signaled a shift from a Christian logic of conversion to a universal key for organizing all the disciplines of knowledge. As copies of Ramon Llull's manuscripts traveled from the Black Forest, Majorca, and Paris to be housed in the libraries of early modern institutions, such as the Colegio de San Ildefonso and the Monastery of El Escorial, they formed what I call portable archives of the Art. By reading the inventories of the libraries of these institutions, along with copies of the works of Ramon Llull preserved at the Escorial, the Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, and the University of Freiburg, my dissertation assesses the importance of Llull's Art in the establishment of new early modern Castilian institutional networks of knowledge and theological and political notions of universalis.
Cerca aquesta obra al Catàleg Col·lectiu de les Universitats de Catalunya Search this work in the Union Catalogue of the Universities of Catalonia
Cerca aquesta obra al catàleg de la Universitat de les Illes Balears Search this work in the Catalogue of the University of the Balearic Islands
Cerca aquesta obra al catàleg de la Universitat de Freiburg Search this work in the Catalogue of the University of Freiburg