Bibliografia lul·liana
Lullian bibliography
Soler, Escriptura [2017].
Albert Soler
"Ramon Llull: escriptura, lectura i reordenació del món"
Actes del Congrés d'Obertura de l'Any Llull. «En el setè centenari de Ramon Llull: el projecte missional i la pervivència de la devoció». Palma, 24-27 de novembre de 2015, ed. Lola Badia, Alexander Fidora iand Maribel Ripoll Perelló "Col·lecció Blaquerna" 12 (Barcelona / Palma: Universitat de Barcelona / Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2017), pp. 317-337.
Ramon Llull presents his plans for universal reform as the restoration of a pre-existing order, in a way that is different from his contemporaries, such as Arnau de Vilanova, who speak of reformation or renovation. Llull's proposal has a direct relation with his doctrine of the first and second intention. The novel Blaquerna (ca. 1283) and the treatise De fine (1305) are two works which develop his plans for world reform, in a narrative and in a political context respectively. In the one and the other, despite differences in types of work and in the gap of time between them, the measures proposed have many similarities. Finally, one can see how for Ramon the written word was the preferred instrument for the renovation of society.
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