Base de Dades Ramon Llull (Llull DB)

Ramon Llull Database (Llull DB)

Universitat de BarcelonaUniversity of Barcelona

La Llull DB és d'accés obert; per consultar-la només cal donar-s'hi d'alta. The Llull DB is open access; to consult it you only need to register.

Bibliografia lul·liana

Lullian bibliography

Ramis Barceló, Córdoba [2015].

Rafael Ramis Barceló
"Fernando de Córdoba y el lulismo del siglo XV"
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos. Ars artium sive ars magna: The Roots of Llull's Artistic Project (Ramon Llull's 700th Anniversary), ed. José Higuera Rubio iand Celia López Alcalde 34 (2015), pp. 127-144.

It is claimed that Fernando of Cordova was not an anti-lullist, but a syncretic thinker who combined two of the most relevant trends of Lullism in the 15th century: the synthesis with Scotism (that started in the 14th century) and the renovation of the epistemology for the construction of a general method for all sciences based on Llull's De artificio omnis et investigandi et inveniendi natura scibilis.

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Ressenyes o referències: Reviews or references:
Planas, SL 57 (2017), 142, 233-4

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