Base de Dades Ramon Llull (Llull DB)

Ramon Llull Database (Llull DB)

Universitat de BarcelonaUniversity of Barcelona

La Llull DB és d'accés obert; per consultar-la només cal donar-s'hi d'alta. The Llull DB is open access; to consult it you only need to register.

Bibliografia lul·liana

Lullian bibliography

Llull, Experiments [1657].

Ramon Llull
"Philosophical and chymical experiments of the famous philosopher Raymund Lully"
Paracelsus of the chymical transmutation, genealogy and generation of metals & minerals. Also of the urim and thummim of the Jews. With an appendix of the vertues and use of an excellent water made by Dr. Trigge. The second part of the mumial treatise. Whereunto is added Philosophical and chymical experiments of that famous philosopher Raymund Lully, containing the right and due composition of both elixirs. The admirable and perfect way of making the great stone of the philosophers, as it was truely taught in Paris and sometimes practised in England by the said Raymund Lully in the time of King Edw. 3, trad. Robert Turner (Londres: James Cottrel, 1657), pp. 97-144.

Conté: prefaci de Ramon Llull (inc.: "Gentle reader, let not thy heart be turned from this excellent science of alchymy"); dues parts de 9 + 7 capítols o experiments, la segona amb el títol "The composition of the great stone of the philosophers", i textos breus atribuïts a altres autors "upon Saturn, the tincture of gold, the quintessence and aurum potabile and the matter of the universal medicine".

Altres versions: Other versions:
Google Books (versió digital)
Versió digital d'Internet Archive
The Alchemy Website (descripció)

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