Bibliografia lul·liana
Lullian bibliography
Randall, Code [1997].
Jeanie Page Randall
The Code Books: Chivalric Tragedy in Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur (Sir Thomas Malory, Morte d'Arthur, Christine de Pisan, Ramon Lull, Sir Gilbert of the Haye) (Tesi doctoral, University of Georgia, 1997), 199 pp.
Detailed summaries of the works of Lull, Christine, and Haye and a close examination of their impact on Le Morte indicate that Malory's sense of tragedy is definitely shaped by his understanding of the code of chivalry and the importance of knightly fellowship on the characters in the legend. These code books indicate a clear and convincing parallel to Malory's 'chivalric' tragedy.
Ressenyes o referències: Reviews or references:
SL 45-46 (2005-6), 112
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