Base de Dades Ramon Llull (Llull DB)

Ramon Llull Database (Llull DB)

Universitat de BarcelonaUniversity of Barcelona

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Bibliografia lul·liana

Lullian bibliography

Masonen, Negroland [2000].

Pekka Juhani Masonen
The Negroland revisited: Discovery and invention of the Sudanese Middle Ages (Ghana, Mali) (Tesi doctoral, Tampereen Yliopisto (Finlàndia), 2000), 599 pp.

This volume examines the development of African historiography in Europe with special emphasis on literature describing the ancient West African empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay, during the Sudanese Middle Ages as the period of their flourishing (c.600-1600 AD) is often called. Chronologically this volume begins with the introduction of some relevant medieval writers, such as Ramon Llull and the anonymous author of Book of the Knowledge, and proceeds through the chronicles of the fifteenth-century Portuguese discoveries to the age of high imperialism.

Ressenyes o referències: Reviews or references:
SL 45-46 (2005-6), 111

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