Legacy Conference' 22

PANEL 7-A: Colonial inheritances and European integration

DAY 20

AULA / ROOM 212 | 15:30 – 17:30 h


Paola Lo Cascio (paolalocascio@ub.edu)
Universitat de Barcelona.


Marco Di Maggio (marco.dimaggio@uniroma1.it)
Università La Sapienza, Roma.

This panel wishes to open a refl ection on the relationship between colonial inheritances and the process of European integration. In this sense, we want to examine it in three dimensions: how the relations between the community countries and their former colonies were reformulated; what were the first foreign policies of the European Community as a whole aimed at the former colonized countries and how colonial inheritances would aff ect the set of political life of integrated Europe, in terms of representations, links and topics, and especially in reference to migration, trade and cooperation policies. All papers that contribute to refl ecting on these three dimensions, analyzing ruptures and continuities both at a transnational and community level, will be well received, as in the diff erent European countries, as finally also, in comparative perspective.


1. French and Italian communist facing Euro-African agreements: Decolonization, Cold War, and European integration (1963-1985).
Gabriele Siracusano. Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa


2. Respetando la voluntad del pueblo: el conflicto en el antiguo Sáhara español según el PSOE y el PSI (1975-1991).
Simone Polidori. Univ. degli Studi della Tuscia/ UB

3. The EU’s normative actorness in the Southern Mediterranean after the Cold War: A neo-colonial approach?
Elena Tosti Di Stefano. Univ. La Sapienza, Roma


4. Barcelona y la conferencia de ciudades mediterráneas, superar las herencias coloniales en el proceso euromediterráneo.
Òscar Monterde. UB


5. El legado de la descolonización en el debate europeo sobre la crisis de Oriente Medio (1969-1974). Iniciativa, acción y objetivos del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores Aldo Moro.
Giulia Vassallo. Univ. La Sapienza, Roma