Legacy Conference' 22

PANEL 6-B: Landscape as heritage: geographies, memories and materialities.

DAY 20

AULA / ROOM 211 | 18 – 20 h


Eulàlia Díaz i Ramoneda (eulaliadlr@gmail.com)
Investigadora independente.

Laia Gallego Vila (laiagallegovila@ub.edu)
Universitat de Barcelona.

Jordi Ramos Ruiz (ramoselprat@gmail.com)

This session aims to address landscapes of the 19th and 20th centuries from a trans-disciplinary perspective. Th e landscape results in a further historical analysis of the forms of representation and material reproduction of the social, political, cultural and mental dimensions of the contemporary world.

This is a particular heritage: the stratigraphy of the past in the landscape accumulates overlayed and unleashed geographies, memories, imaginations and materiality. The articulation of the territory, the use of energy, the explosion of technology and views on the physical environment are some of the dimensions of the transformation between contemporary society and landscape. In this session, we are interested in trans-disciplinary proposals from various processes that took place in the landscape between 19th and 20th century: industrialization, globalization, migration, contemporary wars, urbanization and the consequent deruralisation.


8. Los hospitales militares de la Guerra Civil y su presencia en el paisaje actual: lugares de memoria en el olvido.
Clara Serna Alberola. Univ. Autónoma, Madrid

9. Els vestigis dels presoners. Les obres dels treballs forçats a Mallorca com objecte de transformació del paisatge (1936-1942).
Maria Eugènia Jaume Esteva. Univ. Illes Balears; Col·lectiu Recerca


10. Geografías del Francoceno en el País Vasco (1936-2022).
Josu Santamarina- Otaola. UPV-EHU


11. Redescobrint el paisatge dels anys 40 a les illes Balears a través de la fotografies aèries verticals militars.
Celso Garcia. Univ. Illes Balears


12. La Ribeira Sacra: paisaje, memoria y trauma. Arqueología de una cartografía silenciada.
Xurxo Ayán. Ins. História Contemporânea; Univ. NOVA, Lisboa.
Sonia Garcia. Coordinadora del proyecto O Preguntoiro