Legacy Conference' 22

PANEL 4: Self–help in contemporary society (18th century– 1936)

DAY 20

AULA / ROOM 213 | 11:30 – 13:30 h


Llorenç Ferrer Alos (llferrer@ub.edu)
Universitat de Barcelona.


Alfons Zarzoso (azarzoso@museudelamedicina.cat)
Museu d’Història de la Medicina de Catalunya.

All societies have developed mechanisms and institutions to address the misfortunes that occur in the cycle of life or the diffi culties derived from social inequalities. In the past, individuals faced diff erent situations such as diseases that could disable them for work; the arrival of old age; accidents at work; maternity; and so on. Since the 18th century, diff erent forms of self-help were developed by workers and middle classes, especially in the city, in order to cope with those kinds of difficulties.

This panel is open to receive contributions on the diff erent forms of self-help (mutual aid societies, mutual accident, employers, religious, insurance companies, etc.) that developed from the end of the 18th century to 1936. We know little about the subject and therefore, communications are expected on specifi c case studies about mutual societies, social impact, organizational forms, the extent of these self-help initiatives, and everything that helps us to know the development of these forms of social protection.


1. La acción solidaria de los centros regionales de emigrantes españoles en América. El caso del Centro de la Región Leonesa de Buenos Aires.
Francisco M. Balado Insunza. UNED

2. La salud mental en los movimientos mutualistas en España (siglo xviii- 1936).
Enric Garcia Torrents. Medical Anthropology Research Center, Univ. Rovira i Virgili


3. La previsió social dels arquitectes.

Rosa M. Gil. Univ. Girona

4. Más allá del hospital: formas de mutualismo de la menestralía de Barcelona ante la enfermedad y la muerte en Barcelona, 1770-1820.
Alfons Zarzoso. Museu d’Història de la Medicina de Catalunya


5. Iniciativas sociales desarrolladas por las Sociedades de ayuda mutua: el caso de La Conciliación (Pamplona, 1902-1936).
Pilar León Sanz. Fac. Medicina, Univ. Navarra

6. Inventari i geografia de Montepios i Mutualitats a España (1941).
Llorenç Ferrer Alòs. UB