Legacy Conference' 22

PANEL 22: Weimar’s long shadow in Europe

DAY 22

AULA / ROOM 211 | 9 – 11 h


Jesús Casquete (jesus.casquete@ehu.es)
Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea y
Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung–Berlín (ZfA).

A century after the establishment of the Weimar Republic (1919–1933) and the subsequent accession of the National Socialists to power, the fi rst experience of democracy in Germany is still more than present, and not only in that country.

The panel admits proposals that address the imprint of Weimar in Germany and the rest of Europe, from East to West, in dimensions such as the institutional architecture, the symbolic and memory policies, the party system or the economic policies established and/or implemented from the end of the Second World War to the present day. The aim is to address the lessons of a historical period, the Weimar Republic, whose scope has long since ceased to be strictly German in order to become European.


1. El momento constitucional de Weimar: la fragilidad de la democracia.
Javier Tajadura Tejada. Dept. Derecho Público y Ciencias Histórico-Jurídicas y del Pensamiento Político, UPV-EHU

2. El debate sobre los partidos políticos en Weimar.

Josu de Miguel Bárcena. Dept. Derecho Público, Univ. Cantabria


3. La teoría de la excepción en Weimar y su complejo encaje en el principio democrático.
Leonardo Álvarez Álvarez. Dept. Derecho Público, Univ. Oviedo