Legacy Conference' 22

PANEL 16-B: Masculinities in Contemporary Spain: Pluralities, heritage and memory

DAY 21

AULA / ROOM 211 | 18 – 20 h


Lorraine Ryan (L.Ryan@bham.ac.uk)
University of Birmingham.


Gemma Torres (gemmatorresdelgado@ub.edu)
Universitat de Barcelona.

This panel wishes to contribute to the historiographical discussion on complexity and plurality of the experiences, practices and masculine identities in Contemporary Spain. We hope to receive contributions on the ways in which hegemonic masculinity is constructed in different cultural and political contexts (including forms of complicity masculinity). Moreover, we wish to refl ect on the contestation of these rigid forms of manhood and the experiences of subordinate masculinities (Connell, 2005). We would also like to refl ect on the methodology to analyse this contestation of gender norms (for example, through the history of emotions or aff ects —Rosenwein, 2007; Reddy, 2001—), or the contexts in which they occur (for example, in the context of groups or subjects subordinated in terms of class, national identity, or race; or in the context of the defeated and repressed, for example, after the Civil War). We particularly welcome contributions that focus on memory and the legacy of these gender norms and its contestation.


La homosexualidad en el mundo hispanohablante contemporáneo

9. Revolución, disidencia e hipernormalización: tres estadios en la evolución de las masculinidades no heterosexuales a partir de 1970 en el Estado Español.
Alfredo Martínez Expósito. Univ. Melbourne


10. Virilidad y democracia. Disputas en torno a la ciudadanía sexual y los nuevos límites de la masculinidad en la Transición Española.
Víctor Mora. Esc. Arqueología e Historia, Roma; CSIC.

11. Masculinidades heterosexuales y sexo entre hombres en Argentina, España y México.

Santiago Joaquín Insausti. Univ. Autónoma,  Barcelona


La masculinidad subordinada: inmigración y encarcelamiento

12. Dialéctica de la masculinidad en las representacions de la inmigración peninsular en Catalunya (1950-1980).

Mikel Aramburu. UB

13. Remaking Spanish masculinity in colonial India: Catalan travellers and male sociability in the British Raj, c. 1900.
Teresa Segura-Garcia. Univ. Pompeu Fabra


14. Masculinidades encarceladas.
Paco Abril. Univ. Girona; Homes Igualitaris- Ahige Catalunya.
Alejandro Sánchez-Sicilia. Univ. Autònoma, Barcelona; Homes Igualitaris- Ahige Catalunya