Legacy Conference' 22

PANEL 14: Inheritance and merit in the shaping of economic and political elites (19th–20th centuries)

DAY 21

AULA / ROOM 211 | 11:30 – 13:30 h


Ricard Garcia–Orallo (ricard.garcia@ub.edu)
Universitat de Barcelona.

In recent times, the debate on the key factors involved in the shaping, reproduction and renewal of economic and political elites in the capitalist framework seems to have been revived. Some economists and sociologists are again asking whether inherited wealth —tangible and intangible— has been the essential cause of social and economic inequality or whether, in a diff erent sense, merit has proved to be an eff ective lever for social mobility. It is therefore a good time to look in greater depth at the issue from a historical perspective. The objective of this panel is to share recent empirical eff orts that, in the light of the new methodologies and tools available, aim to detect continuities and ruptures in issues such as the weight of inheritance on personal wealth, the survival of certain families among the power groups or the volume of capital transmitted between generations. 


1. Propiedad y propietarios en la España liberal (1850-1930): una revisión de las fuentes.
Miguel Artola Blanco. Univ. Carlos III, Madrid

2. ¿Herederos o desclasados? A propósito del uso de la memoria entre los hombres de negocios del primer franquismo.
Enrique Faes Díaz. Univ. Complutense, Madrid

3. Cuba y la distinción social en la España del XIX.
José Miguel Hernández Barral. Univ. Complutense, Madrid


4. Una trompa marina i set canaris «en semejantes soledades». El patrimoni de l’elit rural de les Guilleries a principis del segle XIX.
Josep Mas Ferrer. Univ. Girona

5. ¿Hasta dónde llegaba la meritocracia en la Barcelona de XIX?
Jose Miguel Sanjuan Marroquin. UB/ Univ. Oberta de Catalunya


6. La família Bosch de la Jonquera. Patrimoni agrari i influència política.
Lluís Serrano Jiménez. Univ. Girona