Legacy Conference' 22

PANEL 18: Cities and local power in processes of political change: legacies, continuities and ruptures

DAY 21

AULA / ROOM 210 | 18 - 20 h


Andreu Mayayo (mayayo@ub.edu)
Universitat de Barcelona.


Òscar Monterde (oscarmonterde@ub.edu)
Universitat de Barcelona.

The aim of this panel is to discuss the role of cities and municipal institutions in processes of change, consolidation, integration and democratic collaboration. Firstly, we seek to deepen into the local dimension of political change, to the extent that allows us to analyse and characterise legacies, continuities and ruptures in a more specific and nuanced way. And, secondly, we intend to focus on municipal institutions and the local political sphere, which have demonstrated and continue to demonstrate a capacity for action, institutional innovation and autonomous refl ection that is all too often underestimated and which, on the contrary, is essential for understanding the processes of change, consolidation and democratic integration. Based on these premises, all papers that analyse local power in the processes of political change and democratic consolidation, as well as the processes of institutional integration and collaboration on a supra-state scale, both in Europe and in other regions of the world, will be more than welcome.


1. Les publicacions veïnals i la construcció de la ciutat democràtica: el cas del barri del Poble-sec (Barcelona).

Arnau López. UB

2. Els consistoris vilafranquins del segle XX.
Raimon Soler-Becerro. UB

3. Renuncias metropolitanas y consolidación localista: el debate interno en el PSC sobre la supresión de la Corporación Metropolitana de Barcelona (1987).

Paola Lo Cascio; Oscar Monterde. UB


4. The municipal democratization of the «third world»: a transnational project between decolonizations and democratic transitions (1960s-1980s).
Samuel Ripoll. Ins. Études Politiques, Lyon


5. «Capitales culturales», imaginarios, memorias y construcción territorial.
Fabienne Leloup. UC Louvain. Perla D. Massó Soler. UB

6. «Berlín, congratula’t». Walter Momper i la seva labor com a alcalde de Berlín-Oest abans, durant, i després de la caiguda del Mur (1989-1990).
Marc Medir Navarro i Tarroja. UB


7. Els reptes municipals actuals a través dels conflictes del passat: el llegat de la Barcelona republicana.
Alexandre Solano. UB

8. Petjades veïnals a la ciutat democràtica. Ruptures i continuïtats a la Barcelona contemporània.
Marc Andreu Acebal. UB