Legacy Conference' 22

PANEL 13-A: Civil wars, dictatorships and transitions to democracy during the 20th century in secondary school textbooks

DAY 21

AULA / ROOM 213 | 9 - 11 h


Javier Tébar (javiertebar@ub.edu)
Universitat de Barcelona.



Andrea Tappi (tappi.andrea@gmail.com)
Storie in Movimento.

The panel off ers a space to reflect on the dynamics of continuity and/or rupture in an area such as the learning of history at school. What we often call «textbooks» are one of the fundamental devices in the construction of genealogies of historical time and narratives that are transmitted to students in their formative stages prior to Higher Education. But beyond the narratives about the past that they offer us, the underlying question has to do with the very processes of teaching-learning History as a problem. School and history learning are key aspects in the shaping of democratic values and citizenship, even more so and even more urgently in the face of the rising tide of new ways of «lying» about the past.


1. Investigar las narrativas sobre el franquismo en los libros de texto: por qué, cómo, qué.
Carlos Fuertes Muñoz; Antonio Calzado Aldaria


2. The Partition of Ireland and The Troubles in secondary school British textbooks.
Benedek Marton Vasy

3. Fuentes y metodología en el tratamiento del franquismo y la Transición en los libros de texto de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato.
Juan Carlos Colomer Rubio; Jorge Sáiz Serrano


4. El segle xx a l’educació de les Illes Balears: nexes i divisions entre el currículum i la realitat a l’aula.
Moritz Werner i Casero; Adrià Seijas i González

6. El papel femenino durante la dictadura franquista a través de los actuales libros de texto.
Alba María Boix Vicente; Carlos Fuentes Muñoz